Curriculum Development
CES can help you strengthen your curriculum and reach more of your learners by embedding culturally-responsive social emotional learning (SEL) content and activities into your curriculum. Curriculum options in all of our topic areas help teachers make instructional decisions and facilitate learning in ways that reduce teacher burnout and student stress in order to increase learning outcomes. Cultural responsiveness and academic regulation are promoted via educational equity activities for all learners.
Promoting SEL is critical for helping students become productive adult critical thinkers and problem-solvers who use empathy and care, are self-managed effective communicators, and contributing members in their communities and future career roles. Our SEL outcomes are aligned to the World Economic Forum’s Top 10 Essential Job Skills.
Our intention is to improve all students' success through interactive professional development that models SEL and by enhancing your curricular learning activities to seamlessly include SEL opportunities. CES SEL curriculum delivery includes leveled activities toward self-regulation and self-mastery. This is especially important for historically underserved and minority youth, who benefit from concrete experiences
These embedded SEL elements are aligned to CASEL and can be adapted to meet your state standards and mandates. CES’s SEL components will increase academic outcomes by meeting your students where they are and promoting critical thinking, emotional intelligence, and overall competence.
CES includes professional development (teachers and home-school connections), literacy programs (reading, access to books and authors), high school algebra (self-paced with classroom engagement activities), fine arts for grades 1-8 (culturally relevant to your school demographics), and restorative practices (ensure students thrive through relational SEL practices).